
Monday, September 5, 2016

Let the Games Begin!

With the advent of college football for this year, I must admit I am a fan(atic).  It just so happens that I graduated from THE best university, which also has THE best football team, and THE best band in the land.  While I understand you may feel the same way about your university, your judgement is obviously clouded by your allegiance!  But no matter what colors you choose to wear on football Saturdays, it is your passion that makes each game important.  Whether you travel to the stadium to cheer in person or just stay at home and yell at your 60-inch HDTV, you are committed. 

I find it interesting that we can be SO committed to a sport that 99.9% of us never played at the highest levels.  Yet every disciple of Jesus is a “starter” on His team.  Why then do we seem to lack a similar level of commitment to that high calling?  Perhaps we should start to encourage tailgating in our church parking lots for a few hours leading up to the Sunday services?  That would also solve the Baptist vs Methodist race to the restaurants after church dismisses!  Maybe offer snacks and drinks in the foyer (like at the ballgame) so worshipers can make it through the services.  Oh wait, we already do that!  Cheerleaders to get us excited?  Praise team usually has that covered.  So what will make a difference for us?

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…”  1 Peter 2:9

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind…”  Luke 10:27

Forgive the continuing analogy, but when Jesus was picking teams, He picked YOU!  No, I don’t know why either, He just did.  But when many of us were passed over for lesser teams, the Creator of the universe thought enough of each of us to say, “Hey, you!  I want you to be a part of my special people; my holy nation.  You are royalty, whether you feel like it or not.  Get suited up!  You’re in the game!”

We may ask, “What’s the game plan?”  Well, Jesus already spelled that out.  “Leave it all on the field”, as they say.  “Give 110% all the time.”  (I don’t know why that mathematically-impossible expression has become so popular, but it makes the point.)  Jesus expects we will give it all – everything our hearts, minds, souls, and strength can yield. 

My favorite team spends all week getting ready, and then when game day comes, they leave it all out there between the lines – those markers and sidelines that define the playing field.  For followers of Christ, it’s important to realize that Sunday worship IS NOT the game!  Sunday is just practice.  What we do inside the walls of the church is to get us ready for game time!  And THAT happens Monday-Saturday when we interact with a world that badly needs to know the love of Jesus.  They will see it in us, the players who carry out the plan.  If you decide you’d rather sit the bench than get in the game, someone else will get to carry the ball.  But remember that you can’t be a part of the victory if you don’t fulfill your role on the team.  So say it with me, “Put me in, Coach!”


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